Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 7 Black Community Is Increasingly Protective of Obama

The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., self-described defender of the black church, has been derided by many on the Web as an old man who needs to "step off." They all landed in the black community's doghouse after being viewed as endangering Sen. Barack Obama's chances of being elected president. And the community's desire to protect the first African American ever to be in this position. This means more than just saying there's a black person on the ticket. It represents the things they had been denied. It's being able to see the unbelievable, that the impossible might be possible. It represents for them a new day, a new opportunity to see that black people can contribute, on the ultimate level, to the social order. I understand why the black community is backing Obama and im all for it. Racism sadly still exist today but its shown that maybe it's slowly dieing. With our new generation of kids who weren't segerageted and taught that everyone is equal you can finally see the new changes and just maybe later this year we get our first african american president.

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