Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 2 Clinton gives herself a loan and vows to fight on

Hilary Clinton refuses to go down with out a fight. She vowed to fight on to contests in West Virginia, and in Oregon and Kentucky on May 20. Still hopes to find a way to seat delegates from Michigan and Florida, where she won contests in January that are not recognized by the national party because of a dispute over their timing. Hilary has put 6.4 million dollars of her own money to keep founding her campaign. Even tho Obama has a commanding lead.
I think Hilary Clinton should just drop out of the race right now. Instead she's dragging this whole thing on and not letting the two real contenders for the presidential election face off. I also think it's sad that Hilary used her own money 6.4 million dollars to help her campaign when its almost a done deal for her. "With just 217 delegates at stake in the final six contests, Clinton has no realistic chance to overtake Obama's lead in pledged delegates who will help pick the nominee at the August convention. It is also nearly impossible to catch him in popular votes won in the state-by-state battle for the nomination that began in January."

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