Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 5 On McCain, Obama and a Hamas Link

Senator John McCain on Friday again portrayed the Democratic contender as being the favorite of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, and implied that he would also be friendly with Iran, a Hamas ally. The McCain-Obama dispute about Hamas happend last month, after Ahmed Yousef, a political adviser to the group’s leadership in Gaza, made complimentary remarks about Mr. Obama in an interview with WABC radio in New York. After initially complaining that “everybody tries to sound like he is a friend of Israel” when out on the campaign trail, including Mr. Obama, Mr. Yousef shifted tone. Senator Obama wants to sit down and have negotiations and discussions with the person who called Israel a quote ‘stinking corpse,’ ” referring to Mr. Ahmadinejad. Obama has been clear in making a distinction between his willingness to talk “not just to countries we like, but those we don’t,” as he puts it, and Hamas and other political movements similar to it. The gloves are coming off in this election already. McCain in my opinion did use a smear tactic against Obama. But maybe Obama is right into talking with them and looking for a peaceful solution. McCain makes good point's that we shouldn't waste our time with terrorist organizations like the Hamas.

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