Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 4 Obama Leads in Superdelegates for First Time

Mrs. Clinton publicly vowed to fight on for the nomination while campaigning on Friday in Oregon. But a new, more conciliatory tone crept into her stump speeches, as she shied away from the more spirited attacks on Obama that characterized her recent primary battles, instead engaging him more gently on the issues while aiming her fire on Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee.
The superdelegate movement toward Obama, of Illinois — giving him a net gain of six on Friday alone. Democratic officials said what had been a trickle of superdelegates declaring for Mr. Obama was turning into a steady stream in the wake of Tuesday’s primaries, when Mrs. Clinton lost by 14 percentage points in North Carolina and narrowly won Indiana. Mr. Obama is just 166 delegates away from the 2,025 delegates needed to secure the nomination. Clinton advisers say attacks on Mr. Obama are no longer enough to change the momentum or the outcome of the nomination race. Obama made his own peace offering to the Clinton camp, albeit a tactical one, suggesting he would be open to helping her retire her campaign debt. But Mrs. Clinton is signaling that she is in the fight to win. I think it's about time democrates found there nominee in Obama. Although Hilary Clinton is so stuborn that she refuses to give up. Obama is the better of the two canadates and needs only 166 delegates from secureing the nomination. While Hilary Clinton needs 217. It's about time to get this presidential election started and I believe May 20th will be the day Obama will be nominated.

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