Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 7 Black Community Is Increasingly Protective of Obama

The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., self-described defender of the black church, has been derided by many on the Web as an old man who needs to "step off." They all landed in the black community's doghouse after being viewed as endangering Sen. Barack Obama's chances of being elected president. And the community's desire to protect the first African American ever to be in this position. This means more than just saying there's a black person on the ticket. It represents the things they had been denied. It's being able to see the unbelievable, that the impossible might be possible. It represents for them a new day, a new opportunity to see that black people can contribute, on the ultimate level, to the social order. I understand why the black community is backing Obama and im all for it. Racism sadly still exist today but its shown that maybe it's slowly dieing. With our new generation of kids who weren't segerageted and taught that everyone is equal you can finally see the new changes and just maybe later this year we get our first african american president.

Stage 5 On McCain, Obama and a Hamas Link

Senator John McCain on Friday again portrayed the Democratic contender as being the favorite of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, and implied that he would also be friendly with Iran, a Hamas ally. The McCain-Obama dispute about Hamas happend last month, after Ahmed Yousef, a political adviser to the group’s leadership in Gaza, made complimentary remarks about Mr. Obama in an interview with WABC radio in New York. After initially complaining that “everybody tries to sound like he is a friend of Israel” when out on the campaign trail, including Mr. Obama, Mr. Yousef shifted tone. Senator Obama wants to sit down and have negotiations and discussions with the person who called Israel a quote ‘stinking corpse,’ ” referring to Mr. Ahmadinejad. Obama has been clear in making a distinction between his willingness to talk “not just to countries we like, but those we don’t,” as he puts it, and Hamas and other political movements similar to it. The gloves are coming off in this election already. McCain in my opinion did use a smear tactic against Obama. But maybe Obama is right into talking with them and looking for a peaceful solution. McCain makes good point's that we shouldn't waste our time with terrorist organizations like the Hamas.

Stage 4 Obama Leads in Superdelegates for First Time

Mrs. Clinton publicly vowed to fight on for the nomination while campaigning on Friday in Oregon. But a new, more conciliatory tone crept into her stump speeches, as she shied away from the more spirited attacks on Obama that characterized her recent primary battles, instead engaging him more gently on the issues while aiming her fire on Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee.
The superdelegate movement toward Obama, of Illinois — giving him a net gain of six on Friday alone. Democratic officials said what had been a trickle of superdelegates declaring for Mr. Obama was turning into a steady stream in the wake of Tuesday’s primaries, when Mrs. Clinton lost by 14 percentage points in North Carolina and narrowly won Indiana. Mr. Obama is just 166 delegates away from the 2,025 delegates needed to secure the nomination. Clinton advisers say attacks on Mr. Obama are no longer enough to change the momentum or the outcome of the nomination race. Obama made his own peace offering to the Clinton camp, albeit a tactical one, suggesting he would be open to helping her retire her campaign debt. But Mrs. Clinton is signaling that she is in the fight to win. I think it's about time democrates found there nominee in Obama. Although Hilary Clinton is so stuborn that she refuses to give up. Obama is the better of the two canadates and needs only 166 delegates from secureing the nomination. While Hilary Clinton needs 217. It's about time to get this presidential election started and I believe May 20th will be the day Obama will be nominated.

Stage 3 Negotiators Agree on Farm Bill, but Bush Vows to Veto It

The House and Senate negotiators yesterday reached final agreement on a new farm bill that will spend almost $300 billion on nutrition, conservation, energy and farm subsidy programs over the next five years. Dairy farmers will get as much as $410 million more over 10 years to cover higher feed costs, and negotiators tucked in an annual authorization of $15 million to help "geographically disadvantaged farmers" in Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa and Puerto Rico. The bill assures growers of basic crops such as wheat, cotton, corn and soybeans $5 billion a year in automatic payments, even if farm and food prices stay at record levels. lawmakers in both parties pointed to improvements in the nutrition, conservation and research programs that account for the bulk of the bill's costs. The conferees added $1.5 billion over 10 years for conservation activities on working farms. I think this is a good idea to help out are farming industry. This is a good bill because this is a reform. I don't understand why bush wants to veto this. Maybe it's because he's still trying to fund the war's going on right now. I think we as American people should get the best quailty of fruits and vegatables so I think its dumb not to pass this bill.

Stage 2 Clinton gives herself a loan and vows to fight on

Hilary Clinton refuses to go down with out a fight. She vowed to fight on to contests in West Virginia, and in Oregon and Kentucky on May 20. Still hopes to find a way to seat delegates from Michigan and Florida, where she won contests in January that are not recognized by the national party because of a dispute over their timing. Hilary has put 6.4 million dollars of her own money to keep founding her campaign. Even tho Obama has a commanding lead.
I think Hilary Clinton should just drop out of the race right now. Instead she's dragging this whole thing on and not letting the two real contenders for the presidential election face off. I also think it's sad that Hilary used her own money 6.4 million dollars to help her campaign when its almost a done deal for her. "With just 217 delegates at stake in the final six contests, Clinton has no realistic chance to overtake Obama's lead in pledged delegates who will help pick the nominee at the August convention. It is also nearly impossible to catch him in popular votes won in the state-by-state battle for the nomination that began in January."